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Market insights and articles we found interesting

Every day at Clayline Wealth we read news and articles from a wide range of sources. Below are some of the highlights that we think might help you in your financial choices. If you have any questions about the content in them, please contact us, we are happy to help.

We also regularly post links on Twitter to articles we find interesting. 

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Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for August 27th

Many people have had the experience of getting excited about the big game. You hear discussions on TV or radio for weeks about how vital the match-up is, how the strengths of each side line up, and how this might be one of the most important events of the season. On the day of the game, you invite friends over, make a bunch of food, settle in for what should be a very entertaining 3 hours.... only to have one team take an insurmountable lead, and half your guests leave during the intermission.

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Welcome to Clayline Wealth

Welcome to the new Clayline Wealth team of iA Private Wealth! After years of great service, we are officially retiring the Investment Strategies team name. Our industry has evolved over the past decade, and we feel that Clayline Wealth better emphasizes our focus on financial coaching,

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Clayline Wealth weekly email for August 20th

Many challenging questions this past week. Having watched North American markets continue to move up most of this month while seeing several of our holdings not participate, we started to have the difficult internal talk about what we owned and what we would like to own. It turns out those were not the same things.

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Clayline Wealth weekly email for August 13th

The dog days of summer are here, with stock markets experiencing low volumes and some casual upward drift, but no significant moves to speak of. This is a historically seasonal pattern that has been repeated for decades, although this year, it seems to be extended due to everyone trying to make up for last year’s missed vacation time.
