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Market insights and articles we found interesting

Every day at Clayline Wealth we read news and articles from a wide range of sources. Below are some of the highlights that we think might help you in your financial choices. If you have any questions about the content in them, please contact us, we are happy to help.

We also regularly post links on Twitter to articles we find interesting. 

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for April 1st, 2022 Thumbnail

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for April 1st, 2022

With the calendar turning over to April at the end of this week, we can officially put a pin in the first quarter of 2022. The first quarter saw North American, European, and Asian equity markets print negative quarterly numbers for the first time since the Covid outbreak in 2020.

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for March 25th, 2022 Thumbnail

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for March 25th, 2022

The market rally continued this week, although slower than the previous week. Clayline Wealth is now concerned that the bounce-back rally is nearly played out and a retest of the early March lows is in play. While we will certainly visit this idea in the future, we wanted to dedicate this month’s email to the other side of your portfolio: Fixed income (FI).

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for March 11th, 2022 Thumbnail

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for March 11th, 2022

Another negative week for global stock markets finished with some excellent news. The Canadian jobs report came out and exceeded all expectations. Canada added 337,000 jobs in February, making up for all the jobs lost in the month of January

iA Private Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, February 2022 Thumbnail

iA Private Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, February 2022

U.S. stock markets kicked off 2022 with high levels of volatility and the month of January was filled with many days of choppy trading. As investors weighed the likelihood of a Fed rate hike coming sooner than previously anticipated, a sell-off in the information technology, communication services, and real estate sectors led to significant declines in major indices.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for February 25, 2022 Thumbnail

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for February 25, 2022

We have all heard the maxim “Buy the rumor. Sell the news.” and this week proved that it is still quite valid. As Russia unleashed the full force of a modern army on the peaceful citizens of Ukraine this past Wednesday night, the media narrative said to expect equity markets to fall, oil prices would spike, and volatility would climb to heights not seen since the Covid crash of 2020.
