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Market insights and articles we found interesting

Every day at Clayline Wealth we read news and articles from a wide range of sources. Below are some of the highlights that we think might help you in your financial choices. If you have any questions about the content in them, please contact us, we are happy to help.

We also regularly post links on Twitter to articles we find interesting. 

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Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for October 29th, 2021

A wonderful week to end what has been a tremendous month for global equity markets. Although very disappointing earnings announcements from Apple and Amazon took some of the shine off the otherwise great results, October is still on track to be the best month for investors since last November.

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Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for the October 22nd, 2021

Last week we officially brought all the managed portfolios back to their equity allocation after nearly two months of holding cash. So far, our timing appears to be excellent as North American equity markets had a great week and continue higher as of this writing.

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Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for October 1st, 2021

As we leave the terrible month of September behind us, we look forward to the fourth quarter of the year. September lived up to its reputation this year as the worst month on the calendar for stocks, but if history is any guide, we should see risk sentiment improve from this point on.
