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Market insights and articles we found interesting

Every day at Clayline Wealth we read news and articles from a wide range of sources. Below are some of the highlights that we think might help you in your financial choices. If you have any questions about the content in them, please contact us, we are happy to help.

We also regularly post links on Twitter to articles we find interesting. 

iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, August 2020 Thumbnail

iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, August 2020

Major equity indexes ended the month of July higher, despite a surge in COVID-19 cases coinciding with the reopening of economies. Volatility for stocks was high as a slew of quarterly earnings and economic reports were released showing the detrimental impact of the pandemic. Notwithstanding the U.S. economy posting its sharpest contraction on record in the second quarter, investor sentiment remained positive assisted by prominent technology giants reporting better than expected earnings results towards the end of the month.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, July 2020 Thumbnail

iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, July 2020

Investors’ appetite for risk returned in the second quarter as economies around the world started to re-open following COVID-19 lockdowns. Stocks rebounded from their historic declines in Q1 and credit markets had a strong showing, with central banks and governments continuing to provide enormous amounts of stimulus throughout the quarter. Investor optimism, however, was tempered towards the end of the quarter as new coronavirus cases accelerated in the U.S.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, June 2020 Thumbnail

iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, June 2020

Equity markets around the globe had a decent showing across the board in May, continuing the rally from the prior month, as economies around the world gradually started to reopen. A slow but steady decline in new COVID-19 cases, along with progress in the development of coronavirus vaccines, boosted investor confidence and provided optimism around the economic outlook.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, April 2020 Thumbnail

iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, April 2020

It was an historic quarter and a wild way to start the decade, as the global economy was brought to an abrupt halt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus has drastically changed our daily routines, with self-isolation and social distancing now the everyday norm. Businesses and schools have closed, with many countries around the world on lockdown. The result for equity markets was a free-fall not seen since the global financial crisis of 2008.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots