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Market insights and articles we found interesting

Every day at Clayline Wealth we read news and articles from a wide range of sources. Below are some of the highlights that we think might help you in your financial choices. If you have any questions about the content in them, please contact us, we are happy to help.

We also regularly post links on Twitter to articles we find interesting. 

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for January 7th, 2022 Thumbnail

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for January 7th, 2022

A rough start to 2022 as we re-entered the bizarro world of good economic news being bad for equity markets. Despite seeing an Omicron surge across the developed world, financial markets are locked onto future Federal Reserve interest rate actions as the main market driver.

iA Private Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, December 2021 Thumbnail

iA Private Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, December 2021

After a solid start to the month, equity markets turned volatile to close out November as the new omicron variant ignited worries over potential renewed lockdown restrictions around the globe. Major equity indices hit record highs in the first half of the month, fueled by corporate earnings that turned out to be much stronger than anticipated.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for November 19th, 2021 Thumbnail

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for November 19th, 2021

We saw a real narrowing of markets this week as earnings season continues to differentiate between winners and losers. Household names like Disney and Walmart fell hard on slowing growth and margin compression. On the other hand, Nvidia and Macy's delivered blowout quarters far above expectations, and their stocks rose accordingly

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for October 29th, 2021 Thumbnail

Clayline Wealth Weekly Email for October 29th, 2021

A wonderful week to end what has been a tremendous month for global equity markets. Although very disappointing earnings announcements from Apple and Amazon took some of the shine off the otherwise great results, October is still on track to be the best month for investors since last November.
