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Market insights and articles we found interesting

Every day at Clayline Wealth we read news and articles from a wide range of sources. Below are some of the highlights that we think might help you in your financial choices. If you have any questions about the content in them, please contact us, we are happy to help.

We also regularly post links on Twitter to articles we find interesting. 

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iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, March 2021

Major equity benchmarks around the globe ended February in positive territory despite bouts of turbulence during the second half of the month. Stock market performance to start the month was solid as vaccination rollout plans strengthened investor optimism for a large-scale reopening of the economy later this year.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
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iA Wealthy Monthly Market Snapshot, February 2021

Equity market volatility ramped up towards the end of January, overshadowing investor enthusiasm earlier in the month. Stocks rode the momentum from the last quarter of 2020 into the new year, buoyed by the global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and the anticipation of additional stimulus in the U.S. arising from the Democratic party’s sweep of both congressional houses.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
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iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, January 2021

Stocks continued to rally in the final month of the year, notwithstanding rising COVID-19 cases, a new coronavirus variant identified in the United Kingdom, and further lockdowns affecting the holiday season. A successful COVID-19 vaccine rollout and the signing of the second-largest federal stimulus package in the U.S. aided market sentiment and sent major equity indices to all-time highs to close out 2020.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
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iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, December 2020

Stocks around the globe were in rally mode during November with major equity indices posting their strongest monthly advances since April. Various U.S. and global stock indices hit record highs during the month, fueled by positive COVID-19 vaccine developments, giving investors hope of a return to normalcy in the near future and optimism for a strong recovery in 2021.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
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iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, November 2020

The final week of October saw many global equity markets experience downturns not seen since the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in March. The sell-off was driven by several economies reporting record-high daily coronavirus cases, with many countries reimplementing lockdown measures to mitigate the virus spread. Lack of another round of U.S. fiscal stimulus also dampened investor enthusiasm.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
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iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, October 2020

Equity market volatility ramped up in September, as the effects of COVID-19 continued to pose challenges for various regions around the world, with many countries implementing tighter restrictions to combat the second wave of the coronavirus. Uncertainty around a new stimulus deal in the U.S. also caused large swings in stock prices in September.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots